You can find over 100 professionally-designed CV and resume templates on Freesumes for free. Got some more questions about CV formatting and design? We have answers! Are Freesumes CV templates Really Free? Need more inspiration? Browse our massive collection of free CV samples for different industries, professions, and experience levels! FAQs about CV Templates Optional: Languages, volunteering experiences, professional affiliations.Customize it to match the “required qualifications” in the job ad. Make a featured skills section, spotlighting a combination of soft and hard skills. Include other professional training and certifications if relevant. Include Major/Minor information only if you are a recent graduate. Education: List all your degrees from the highest to the lowest with graduation dates.For each job entry, add 2-4 short bullet points, spelling out your duties and some major accomplishment(s). Work Experience: List all your career information in reverse chronological order.

CV profile: Write a compelling elevator pitch - a 2-3 statement summary of your career history, core competencies, and most marketable skills.Then you may include a professional headshot (if you use a photo CV template). Header area: Add your name, professional title, and contact information (phone, email, LinkedIn).Every CV has to include the following sections: